Eskies are built for snow and cold, but they can handle hot weather with considerations. The Eskie’s fluffy coat insulates him against hot weather and shouldn’t be shaved in the summer. And while some hot weather is fine for Eskies, extreme temperatures may be too much for this cool-weather-loving breed. He will need plenty of water in hot weather or while participating in strenuous activities, access to shade while outdoors, and air conditioning or fans indoors.
Though they have plenty of energy, American Eskimo Dogs are not sled dogs. They were bred as companions and are better suited to entertaining their adoring fans rather than pulling sleds.
Canadian Eskimo Dogs and American Eskimo Dogs are different types of dog with separate breed development, but a similar name. Canadian Eskimo Dogs were developed in North America thousands of years ago from dogs brought from Siberia, while American Eskimo Dogs are a more recently developed breed descended from the German Spitz. The dogs have similar characteristics, but do not share a history. The Canadian Eskimo Dog is not recognized by the AKC, and there are very few of the type in existence today.
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